Africa Business League – America is an affiliate of the National Business League (NBL). Founded in 1900 by Dr. Booker T. Washington, the NBL is a national federation of business owners, individuals, firms, companies, and associations engaged in business ventures and enterprises with members and chapters in 37 states and the District of Columbia. The NBL has been a strong comprehensive program of self-help and self-sufficiency, since its inception the mission of the National Business has been to enhance opportunities and expand Black and African Diaspora-owned businesses in the United States and abroad, hire community members, and to build wealth through entrepreneurship.
The NBL has been recognized as a forerunner in the progressive business movement. It was the NBL’s spearheading of the “parity” issue and development of program initiatives led to the creation of the U. S. Small Business Administration and the Equal Opportunity Loan Programs for minorities. In addition, the NBL was instrumental in affecting the establishment of the first national program of Small Business Development Centers to provide management and technical assistance to small business owners. The NBL influenced the President’s Task Force on Minority Business Enterprise, which resulted in what was known as Executive Order 11458 which set up the Office of Minority Business Enterprise (OMBE) now the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The NBL also introduced the concept of regional Purchasing Council Programs. Additionally, the League was the catalyst assisting in the establishment of a host of minority trade associations, that have grown out of the NBL; including the following: the National Funeral Directors Association, the National Bankers Association, the National Newspaper Publishers Association, the National Association of Real Estate Brokers, the Nation Insurance Association, the National Bar Association, the National Medical Association, the National Dental Association, and the Booker T. Washington Foundation.
We stand on the shoulders of the past presidents, 1st Dr. Booker T. Washington, 2nd James C. Napier, 3rd Robert Moten, 4th CC Spaulding, 5th Dr. JE Walker, 6th Roscoe Dungee, 7th Dr. AG Gaston, 8th Horace Suddath, 9th Dr. Frederick Patterson, 10th Dr. Berkeley Burrell, 11th Dr, Theodore Hagans, 12th Arthur Teele, 13th Sherman Copelin, 14th W. Ronald Evans and current President Dr. Malcolm E. Beech, Sr.
“No people ever got upon its feet and obtained the respect and confidence of the world – which did not lay its foundation in successful business enterprises. Business, commerce and the ownership of property do not embrace all interest of our people. But one cannot find today a race that has not had as its foundation, ownership of the soil, in the bank accounts, in habits of thrift and economy and in business enterprise.” — BTW
General NBL Programmatic Themes
- Advocacy – Federal & Local Government & Private Sector Procurement Contracting
- Africa and African Diaspora Trade & Investment Linkages: Export-Import
- Urban Youth Entrepreneurship Training in high schools & National Student Business League chapters in US colleges and universities
- 5% Solution – Buy from Black-owned Businesses Consumer Program
- Re-entry Assistance: Entrepreneurship Training
- Capital Formation: Credit Unions, Venture Capital & Revolving Loan Funds
NBL Priority Programs:
- Entrepreneurship Training:
ProBiz Success Track – Core Competency Certificate
Youth Entrepreneurship Experience
Ex-Offender Entrepreneurship Training & Job Placement
- Community Empowerment & Access to Capital
Community Development Corporation
Venture Capital Fund
Credit Union
- Procurement Advocacy & Technical Assistance
ProBiz Procurement Business Development Conference
Mentor-Protégé Program
Small Business Virtual Incubator
Executive Coaching
Teaming & Joint VenturesSub-contracting
- Africa & African Diaspora Global Trade & Investment
Africa Growth & Opportunity Act CSO Network
American Eagle & East African Eagle Trading Company
East African SME Business Development Program – Pilot
US-Kenya Partnership trade Mission & Conference, February, 2016
Planned Activities for 2017-2018
Monthly Networking Receptions with speaker (except March & July)
Quarterly online webinars on technical assistance topics
Quarterly in-house seminars on technical assistance topics
Annual ProBiz Procurement Conference – July 20th, Sheraton Silver Spring, MD
Annual Holiday Party
Annual CBC Salute to Black Business Reception
Annual Diversity Awards Banquet – March/April